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Pocket Globe App

This app let's you explore all the counties of the world by clicking on them on the draggable and zoomable globe.

app layout

Country details through REST API

To fetch information about each country I'm using the following REST API endpoints:

country details

Amazing photos from Unsplash JSON API

All the photos used in the app come from Unsplash JSON API which provides free and high-resolution photos.

country photos from unsplash

Go to your current location

Show the country you're currently in. (You'll have to give the app access to your location.)

show my location

Show random country

Let the app select a random country for you by clicking on Show random country widget.

show random country

Autocomplete form

Use autocomplete form to find a country.

autocomplete form

Dark mode

You can use the app in dark mode if you like!

dark mode

Technologies used

  • React
  • D3 + TopoJSON + World Atlas TopoJSON
  • Material-UI
  • REST Countries API
  • Unsplash API
  • Wikimedia REST API


Keyboard shortcuts

ctrl ↑Rotate up
ctrl ↓Rotate down
ctrl ←Rotate left
ctrl →Rotate right
+Zoom in
-Zoom out
lRotate to selected country
rSelect random country
wShow/hide widgets
ctrl /Show/hide shortcuts